

One Saturday evening you are playing a game of online Scrabble. Your opponent is a very good player, but this time you managed to win. After a brief conversation, you are told: “I am clearly better than you, but one game is simply not enough to prove it.” Your opponent then makess the following bet: “If we play 10 games, you will win less than 5 … and this will happen every time, even if we try this 10 times in a row!”.

You will solve a more general problem using the following parameters:

– an int trials denoting the number of meetings in which a set of games is played.

– an int games denoting the number of games that are to be played in each meeting.

– an int winsNeeded denoting the number of victories you need in one of the meetings to win the bet.

– an int winChance denoting the probability in percent of winning one particular game.

Return a double between 0 and 1, denoting the probability you have to win the bet.

public class ScrabbleBet {

public double estimate(int trials, int games, int winsNeeded, int winChance) {
double one_game_op_not_lose=0;
for (int i = winsNeeded; i <= games; i++) {
one_game_op_not_lose+=combination(games, i)*Math.pow(((double)winChance/100),i)*Math.pow(((double)(1-(double)winChance/100)),(games-i));

return 1-Math.pow(one_game_op_not_lose, trials);

public long combination(int n,int r){
return fact(n)/(fact(n-r)*fact(r));

public long fact(int n){
if (n<=1) {
return 1;
return n*fact(n-1);

